Teen Counseling Age 12-18

This is a time in your life where there are a lot of changes happening. Your body is changing, you change schools, interests may be evolving, you may be wondering what the next step in your life should be. It may feel like the best time in your life and you are seizing every opportunity that comes your way. On the other hand, you may be feeling overwhelmed, scared, confused, or other strong emotions. This is all a natural part of this stage in your life. Seeking counseling to sort through your emotions is a healthy decision, to help you navigate through life.

  • Anxiety, Fears and Phobias

  • Struggling with school

  • Insecurity, Low Confidence

  • Lack of Self Love

  • Body Image / Emotional Eating

  • Questioning Gender or Sexuality

  • Trauma

  • Transitions

  • Grief, Loss

  • Boundaries

  • Relationships

  • Parents divoricing/seperating or dating

  • Difficulties with peer relationships